On this spot where Ptr. Greg and Ptr. Pharoath is standing, soon to rise a place of worship and English classroom (Courtesy of IWU summer 2009 ladies' team).
One of our former students from the Methodist Church, invited us to attend his engagement ceremony in Battambang. Ptr. Barnabas preached about the blessings in christian marriage and spoke of his personal testimony. The Father of Sray Nouch (not a christian) was very attentive to every word the pastor was saying. While the ceremony was going on, we were uttering silent prayers in our hearts that the seed of God's Word will be planted and that Sray Nouch's family will get to experience the saving grace of God.
The ring ceremony
The official engagement photo of Ptr. Somnang and Sray Nouch
The first prayer meeting held in our new apartment was attended by Ptr. Kimsan, Ptr. Kieth, Ptr. Vandy(above), Ptr. Sethon and his wife Sray (below), and our family
Rekindling the passion of our pastors to the ministry and reviving prayer meetings. We have prayer meetings every Wednesday evenings house to house. From our house to Pstr. Kimsan's house, and to Pstr Sethon's house and hopefully more pastors here in the city would be willing to join us in the coming weeks.
The pastors in a worshipful spirit during the 2 days pastors fellowship early this October
Ptr. Kimsan continue to do his ministries....here you see him doing a child dedication
Ptr. Kimsan as the national leader presides the Pastors' fellowship and meeting. Please pray for continued strength in the Lord as he himself is experiencing many challenges in ministry. Ptr. Kimsan is a proven committed, devoted and loyal minister of God with integrity.
Ptr. Reaksimey being elected as member of the DBA
During the pastors fellowship, Ptr. Greg preach on unity, to work together as ministers of God's Kingdom despite the culture differences. Preaching such strong message the first day of the fellowship had set a good tone among everyone for the rest of the fellowship.
Ptr. Rotha on transition from being a teacher/translator to a student. He served as translator/teacher at WBI for the last three years. He is now studying at Phnom Penh Bible College for a Bachelor in Christian Ministry. Continues development among our pastors is needed. He attends classes 8 hours a day, five days a week, and also required to lead a small group every Sunday. He said, his classes are not very difficult but there are so many assignments/paperworks, so he goes to bed 12 midnight every night. Please remember him and his family in your prayers.