This is in kampong Chnang. The first house church in Cambodia IWU team 2009 visited. Here are the IWU ladies teaching children with Pastor Pharoath translating.
Ministry includes physical work as well. Here are the IWU ladies working at the backyard of the church in Kratie. They didn't only minister to Children; they picked up dirt as well.
Our first time to see a small pulpit. Pastor Sothkan preaches good sermon every Sundy behind this small pulpit in his house church
Our former students, Pastor Kong and Pastor Sinat with baby Rachel
Pastor Malachi and family
Watch a Cambodian Funeral Procession taken in a remote Village in Kampong Chnang.
Lukro Moich, one of our faithful and dedicated laymen passed away at age 55 last July. Lukro Moich planted two churches in Kampong chnang. One being pastored by Paroath and the other by Phen, Moich's son in law.